Since the arrival of the Coronavirus, I have hesitated to write an opinion piece on the subject. I needed time absorb the affect such a pandemic has had on the world before commenting. At this time, I wish to comment as a Catholic, a medical provider, address people’s fear and offer a ray of hope.

Firstly, as a Roman Catholic, the one resounding sentence that comes to the front of my mind is a quote from Padre Pio:

“The earth could exist more easily without the sun than without the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.” - Padre Pio

With this reality in mind, I am deeply saddened by all the masses that have been cancelled in Italy and around the world. My mind understands the practical logistics of not encouraging crowds to gather, but more evident to me is the need for Holy Mass and especially the Holy Eucharist to be consecrated and consumed by faithful followers at this time. What better way to find a cure for the coronavirus and heal those that are sick, than to receive the Holy Eucharist which transcends all else? 

Without Holy Mass, we have nothing and my resounding voice wants to scream out, “we need more masses right now, not less!” Transubstantiation is not subject to the laws of the Earth; it is a spiritual miracle only subject to the laws of Heaven and of God. 

As the nation stocks up on everything from toilet paper to canned goods, the one thing we all need more than anything else, is Holy Eucharist. I pray and ask you to join me in fervent prayer that our churches here in the United States, open their doors and never again close them.

Secondly I write to you as a medical provider. Since Wayne’s passing I have been working several hours each week in a local doctor’s office. I have seen these doctors work tirelessly informing themselves about Coronavirus to determine the best way to treat their patients who may become infected. These medical workers selflessly put themselves at risk and as such their own families as well. We need to remember them in our prayers everyday and pray for their protection. 

The third thing I would like to comment on is the subject of ‘fear’. Throughout the years Our Lady at Medjugorje has said in her messages, “Do not be afraid” Fear comes from satan and not from God. Fear can strangle our rational thoughts and choke our faith and trust in God. It steals our peace. Sit down, take a deep breath, smile and say, “Jesus I trust in You”. And that’s it... let those around you see the peace you exude, and when they ask where your peace comes from, take the time to share with them the message of Medjugorje and that of Divine Mercy. 

April 2, 2016

Dear children, do not have hearts that are hard, closed and filled with fear. Permit my motherly love to illuminate them and fill them with love and hope; so that, as a mother, I may soothe your pains because I know them, I experienced them. Pain elevates and is the greatest prayer. My Son, in a special way, loves those who suffer pains. He sent me to soothe them for you and bring hope. Trust in Him. I know that it is difficult for you because you see more and more darkness around you. My children, it is necessary to break it by prayer and love. The one who prays and loves is not afraid, he has hope and a merciful love, he sees the light and sees my Son. As my apostles, I call you to keep trying to be an example of merciful love and hope. Always pray anew for all the more love because merciful love brings light, which breaks every darkness - it brings my Son. Do not be afraid, you are not alone I am with you. I implore you to pray for your shepherds that at every moment they may have love that they may work for my Son with love - through Him and in memory of Him. Thank you.


Lastly I leave you with this thought, for most of us who will not be directly affected by the Coronavirus, perhaps take this time for some reflection. I recently read a beautiful article from a lady in Wuhan. She wrote about the joy of being under forced confinement at her home for one month. She mentioned her family having spent more quality time together than they had done in years. She had prepared home cooked meals (from scratch) for them to share together. They had spent time talking and reconnecting. She and her family had deepened their prayer life and had taken the time to read lots of books. It had been an unexpected period while surrounded by the horror of the virus.

For those of you have been and will be directly affected, we offer our prayers for you and for your family members. We ask God to strengthen you physically and spiritually and we ask Our Lady to stay by your side at this time. Amen.

-- God Bless, Judith

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